
9 Signs You Need to Update Your Website

Your website is the digital face of your business and the first impression you leave with a lot of people. It obviously has a huge role in business success in the 21st century. Unfortunately, though, a website isn’t a set-it-and-forget it kind of thing. You have to keep it fresh and updated to keep interest high and conversion rates optimal. Here are a few signs that it’s time to update your website.

9 Signs You Need to Update Your Website

You Notice Outdated Content 

If you’re putting up evergreen content, it shouldn’t need to be completely redone constantly. With that said, industries change, new developments are always being made, and the years keep rolling by. Are you keeping up?

One of the most obvious signs that your website needs an update is simply that the content on it isn’t up-to-date. This will hurt both your credibility and also your SEO performance, since search engines favor fresh, relevant content.

The Design Is Too Old

How old is too old? If your site still looks like it did five or even ten years ago, you’re almost certainly turning potential customers away. Modern web design trends change a lot faster than you might expect, and it doesn’t take long for what was once cutting-edge to become old-fashioned.

We can help you craft brand strategies that keep both your content and design fresh and in-step with current trends. We work with you to develop a strategy, so your website works with all your other marketing elements, looks modern, and effectively communicates what you need to say.

You’ve Got Poor Mobile Responsiveness

Sorry, but this is a non-negotiable these days. With more users accessing websites via mobile devices every year, you simply must have a mobile-friendly version of your site. Most companies will also need to keep up sites that look and perform well on desktops, too (though not all), and you may need to make it simple for visitors to request your desktop site even if they are visiting from a mobile.

If your site doesn’t adapt well (and quickly) to all different screen sizes, or if it’s difficult to navigate on one of them, you’re likely losing a significant portion of your audience. We can help you understand your strategy and who you’re trying to reach and then optimize your website so it appeals to the audience you need to attract. Often, just by improving responsiveness you can reach a broader audience and improve user engagement.

Website Traffic and Engagement Have Recently Tanked

Have you noticed a drop in website traffic or user engagement in the last few weeks or months? What’s going on?

It could be a sign that your website is no longer meeting the needs of your audience, or it could be a sign that you’re dropping to the bottom of search results. This could be due to anything from outdated content to a poor user experience, lack of SEO optimization, or changes to the search engine algorithms that you weren’t on top of.

Whatever the reason, declining traffic and engagement mean your website needs attention. Our web design and development expertise can get your website back where it needs to be and give you the tools you need to keep it there.

People Are Bouncing Away

A high bounce rate means that while you may be attracting lots of clicks, those visitors are leaving your website shortly after arriving. This is usually a sign that something is wrong. Maybe you’ve got slow loading times and they don’t want to wait. Maybe the poor design or confusing navigation sent them away in frustration. Maybe they clicked to get content and found that it didn’t match their expectations.

We can help you understand conversion rate optimization (CRO) and reduce your website’s bounce rate through identifying what’s causing it, strategizing how to improve, and then implementing targeted changes that encourage visitors to stay longer and explore more.

It Takes Forever to Load

Users expect websites to load practically instantly, so if your site takes too long, they are likely to leave before they even see your content. Slow load times can be caused by unoptimized images or video, excessive plugins, or simply by outdated code.

The biggest issue here is that slow page load times frustrate users and send them to competitors who are delivering a better experience. But that’s not the only danger. Slow page loading times also hurt your search engine rankings. Our experts can help you fix these issues and keep things on track.

You’re Having Issues Managing Content

Do you dread updating your website’s content because it seems to take forever to do so?  This is often a sign that your content management system (CMS) is either outdated or not user-friendly.

A cumbersome CMS will slow down everything, and this in turn will impact your SEO performance and user engagement. As part of a comprehensive strategy, we can help you implement a more efficient CMS that will let you stay on top of your content.

You’re Still Keyword Stuffing

SEO practices evolve, so what worked a few years ago is sometimes ineffective today: at other times, it will actually harm you. If your website hasn’t been updated to reflect the latest in SEO strategies, not only could you be missing out on valuable organic traffic, but you might actually be making things a lot harder on yourself.

Outdated SEO practices drop you lower in search engine rankings and make it tough for potential customers to find your site. Even if they keep hunting and do find you somewhere on page 2, they might have second thoughts when they see you’re not ranking highly for the search terms they’re looking for. Our digital marketing services team can get your SEO where it should be, and our training can teach you how to stay there.

There’s No Integration with Social Media

Social media is such a powerful tool; but one of the main things it does is drive traffic to your website. If your website lacks social media integration, you’re missing out on all those opportunities to connect and build your brand’s online presence. If your website doesn’t have social media buttons, has outdated social media links going to nowhere, or doesn’t have any shareable content to get social media buzzing, it’s time for an update.

Our social media marketing services and training will get you making the most of social media and keeping it connected to your other digital marketing players, like your website.

Is It Time?

You’ve noticed that your website need some help. Noticing is great, but what’s the next step? The next step is to contact us at Razzmic Ventures now. We’re your growth-focused partner offering everything you need to improve your website’s performance, enhance your brand’s online presence, and drive sustainable growth.

We can help with your digital marketing, growth marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing; crafting and implementing a winning brand strategy; improving your conversion rate optimization; understanding your data analytics; and taking full advantage of Google PPC advertising and Facebook/Instagram advertising. We can also empower you with a full range of training that give you the tools you need to succeed.